
At ECIS, we believe that uniform is a very important part of school life. Not only does it give our students a sense of belonging to the school community, but it also gives students a focus for the school day ahead and an overall sense of pride and equality. We want students to understand that whilst they are wearing their uniforms, they are also representing their school. The aim is for students to present a neat appearance without being obtrusive, competitive, or fashionable in what they wear. Students are required to wear two types of uniform, the regular daily school uniform and the P.E. kit which should only be worn on P.E. class days. We highly recommend that all clothing, equipment, and bags are clearly labeled with the student’s full name and grade. Students must ensure that they comply with uniform expectations on a daily basis – this is one of our non-negotiables.

The ECIS PE KIT consists of the following items:
White PE Polo Shirt – long or short sleeve
Navy Blue ECIS pants
White Sports Socks

Students should bring a water bottle to their PE lessons to protect themselves from dehydration and excessive exposure to the sun.

The school’s uniform is established to instill discipline, prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards, and help prevent unauthorized access to our campus. A student’s dress and grooming are the responsibility of the student and his/her parents.  A student must dress in such a way that neither interferes with nor disrupts the learning and educational program. It is expected that all students be neat and clean and meet the common community standards of decency and modesty at all times. Any student who fails to comply with this code will be disciplined accordingly.
School administrators have the final authority concerning the propriety of clothing, hairstyles, and jewelry to be worn on school property, at school activities, or any time a student is representing the school. If a student’s dress is deemed unacceptable by a faculty member and/or administrator, appropriate consequences will be assigned.  Students who persistently violate the dress code may be subject to more severe consequences on each subsequent referral.

  • All students must wear the school uniform: They shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school.  This includes inappropriately sheer, tight, short, or low-cut clothing.
  • Students are not allowed to wear makeup, dangling earrings, nail polish, distracting hair coloring, accessories, or body adornments.
  • Visible body piercings and tattoos, other than the piercing of ears, are prohibited.
  • Hair must be clean, neat, and reasonably styled. Hair must not obstruct vision or create a distraction.
  • Pants should be properly fitting. Sagging is not allowed.
  • Proper footwear must be worn at all times.
  • Clothing or other items depicting pictures, emblems, or writings that are lewd, offensive, obscene, or that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other substance prohibited under school policy and Saudi law is prohibited.
  • All female students from grades 5 and above must wear an abaya to school and when they leave the school premises at the end of the day as well as on school trips. Students of grades 7 and above are required to wear a headscarf/hijab in addition to the abaya.

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